Group Privacy Policy & Terms of Service

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Unsolicited Advertising Policy

Effective Date: [20/01/2024]

Policy Statement:

This policy is established to prohibit the advertising of the website "" through unsolicited messages by members, employees, or representatives of [GetWebsite.Report]. Unsolicited advertising includes, but is not limited to, sending unwanted promotional materials, messages, or communications via email, text messages, social media, or any other electronic means without the explicit consent of the recipient.

Policy Guidelines:

  1. Prohibition of Unsolicited Advertising:
  2. Members, employees, or representatives of [GetWebsite.Report] are strictly prohibited from advertising the website "" through unsolicited messages.
  3. Explicit Consent:
  4. Advertising this website using unsolicited messages is only permissible when explicit consent has been obtained from the recipient. Consent should be obtained in a clear and transparent manner, and individuals should have the option to opt out at any time.
  5. Compliance with Applicable Laws:
  6. All advertising activities related to "" must comply with relevant laws and regulations, including but not limited to anti-spam regulations. Any violation of these laws will result in disciplinary action.
  7. Educational Programs:
  8. [GetWebsite.Report] will provide educational programs and resources to members, employees, or representatives to ensure awareness of the importance of privacy and compliance with this policy.
  9. Monitoring and Reporting:
  10. [GetWebsite.Report] will monitor advertising activities to ensure compliance with this policy. Employees, members, or representatives who become aware of any violations are encouraged to report such incidents to the designated authority within the organization.
  11. Disciplinary Actions:
  12. Violation of this policy may result in disciplinary actions, including but not limited to warnings, suspension, or termination, depending on the severity of the breach. Legal action may also be pursued in cases of serious or repeated violations.
  13. Review and Updates:
  14. This policy will be periodically reviewed and updated to ensure its relevance and effectiveness. Amendments will be communicated to all members, employees, and representatives of [GetWebsite.Report].

By adhering to this Unsolicited Advertising Policy, [GetWebsite.Report] demonstrates its commitment to respecting privacy, promoting responsible communication practices, and complying with applicable laws and regulations.

This policy is effective as of [20/01/2024].


[Mahaveer Calyx, CMR Road,Nypanahalli,BTM Stage 4,Bengaluru,560076]

[[email protected]]

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